Kick-off meeting of the International Competence Center on Large Scale Agriculture
11 September 2017 - IAMO in cooperation with the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) will organize the first, kick-off workshop within the framework of the IAMO-led project entitled International Competence Center on Large Scale Agriculture. This event will take place on 11-12 September 2017 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
The IAMO project "International Competence Center on Large Scale Agriculture (LaScalA)" was recommended by the Senate of the Leibniz Association to be one of 25 successful research projects to receive funding within the Leibniz Competition 2017. The project aims to investigate the emergence, management, and economic and social effects of the so-called agroholdings as well as to create information-sharing platforms. Agroholdings are large-scale farms which are of particular importance in Eastern Europe and South America. There is still a lack of international trans- and interdisciplinary networking in this field and LaScalA is set to close this gap.
The aspiration of this workshop is to introduce the project partners to each other, develop an agenda for the project realization in 2018-2020 and present an online-platform that will serve to collect and present unique information about large-scale farming in the focus countries. The workshop will bring leading scholars and practitioners with various backgrounds in order to intensively discuss possible explanations of the development of agroholdings from economic, managerial, social and environmental perspectives. The list of participants includes representatives of the project’s research partners as well as top managers of agroholdings, NGOs and consulting agencies. The format of the workshop will allow for more in-depth discussions going beyond typical scientific conference settings. The kick-off meeting of the LaScalA project is scheduled as pre-conference workshop to the <link en events details iamo-supports-viii-international-large-farm-management-conference-1 _blank>"VIII International Large Farm Management Conference" (13-14 September 2017 | Kyiv, Ukraine). More information on the <link en research projects details lascala _blank>International Competence Center on Large Scale Agriculture.
Kick-off Meeting "International Competence Center on Large Scale Agriculture (LaScalA)"
in cooperation with the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB)
11-12 September 2017 | Kyiv, Ukraine