25 November 2021
Does board gender diversity improve firm performance? The case of Russian agroholdings
Overview -Large scale farming is believed to contribute to ensuring global food security amid increasing demand for food worldwide. However, frequent financial problems among large agri-food producers might jeopardize local economies as well as global agricultural market due to their enormous size and their share in food production. Thus, obviously, not only…
20 October 2021
Requests for judicial financial recovery by Brazilian large farms: Financial distress or moral hazard?
Overview -Brazil has significantly boosted its agricultural production over the past decades entering the list of the world’s top five agricultural producers by 2008. In a new policy context supporting entrepreneurial freedom and competition, large-scale farming has developed countrywide. The number of farms operating over 1,000 hectares rose from 47,000 to…
23 September 2021
Corporate social responsibility disclosure in agroholdings
Overview -Firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting has gained increasing attention from scholars over the last decades. The corporate transparency’s strong signaling effects for creditors and investors and self-disciplinary impact on management have been widely acknowledged as essential to corporate viability. Extant research largely examines…
24 August 2021
Large-scale farming and philanthropic CSR in Argentina: ethical motives amid low public pressure
Overview -The agricultural sector in total and large-scale farms in particular are commonly associated with sensitive social and environmental issues like intensification of production, extinction of small farms, loss of biodiversity, animal welfare issues etc. Some scholars suggest that companies may embrace socially responsible policies in response to…
06 July 2021
Firm agroholding affiliation, ownership structure and performance in Russian agri-food sector
Overview -Largescaleagriculture.com has lately announced the publication of the special issue of International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (IFAMR) on agroholdings and mega-farms. The issue includes eight articles covering the topics of large farms’ acquisition behavior, growth, financial performance, corporate governance and CSR in the empirical…
13 January 2021
German farmland: good investment or consolidation tool?
Overview -Today, German agriculture is generally represented by two different agricultural production systems with small-scale family farms prevailing in the West and large-scale corporate farms dominating the agricultural and farmland markets in the East of the country. What drivers influenced the structural development of agriculture in Germany in the past…
02 October 2020
How to build an agroholding from scratch: the case of Epicentr Agro
Overview -Since early 2000s, Ukraine has been considered as a country that provides an enabling environment for the proliferation of agroholdings. These large farming entities keep emerging and even succeeding despite the protracted political and economic crises in the country. Of nine new agroholdings that emerged in Ukraine over the last decade, one has…
07 April 2020
Development of large-scale farming in Romania: the role of policies and reforms
Overview -Romania, a former socialist country and a member state of the European Union today, has experienced a steady growth in the number and size of large farms over the past years. Commercial farms of over 100 hectares represent 0.4% of Romania’s farms and altogether control almost 6 million hectares or 47.8% of the country’s total farmland. Meanwhile,…
05 March 2020
UkrLandFarming: agribusiness giant on the edge of downfall?
Overview -Corruption scandals and dramatic bankruptcies are not uncommon in the agribusiness of transition and emerging economies. When a large market player gets involved in a controversial story, it often gains widespread attention not only in the country of its operation, but also abroad, given its links to international capital and commodity markets.…
27 December 2019
Study: Foreigners control 5% of Russia’s farmland through ownership in agroholdings
Overview -Russian official statistics recognizes the following three types of agricultural producers: agricultural enterprises (corporate farms), peasant farms and individual rural households. However, none of these groups officially includes so-called agroholdings – vertically and horizontally integrated large farming structures consisting of numerous…