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Astarta: production results 2019

17 January 2020

Astarta, a vertically integrated agroholding operating 250,000 hectares of farmland in Ukraine, reported on the results of its operations in 2019. In particular, the company produced 75,600 tonnes of premium sugar, a 37% increase as compared to 2018 (55,000 tonnes). The loss of sugar beets during transportation and storage was reduced by 31%, while sugar content in sugar beets reached 95.5%.

Also, Astarta increased its storage capacity by 183,000 tonnes due to the launch of a new elevator in the Poltava region and the purchase of an elevator in the Khmelnytskyi region. In 2019, Astarta implemented a number of precision agriculture solutions to control operations on its farmland area. Finally, one of Astarta’s subsidiaries, Globynskyi soybean plant, processed a record high 230,000 tonnes of soybeans.

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