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Market capitalization of Ukrainian agroholdings up

09 August 2021

The latest data disclosed by Eavex Capital shows the changes in market capitalization of eight Ukrainian publicly listed agroholdings from July 29 - August 4, 2021. Within this period, market value of Kernel increased 10.2% to $1,160 million, and MHP’s capitalization rose 3% to $589 million. Astarta-Kyiv gained 4.4% in market capitalization and reached the figure of $320 million. Ovostar Union increased its market value 11.1% to $133 million; Agroton gained 0.8% and reached $45 million; and Milkiland increased capitalization 5.9% to $9 million. Meanwhile, market value of IMC and Avangard remained unchanged and amounted to $236 million and $1 million, respectively.

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