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TOP 10 Russian agricultural landowners 2020

30 November 2020

A ranking developed by Russian consulting agency BEFL discloses the top Russian agroholdings based on farmland area under operation by results of 2019. As for 2020, top 10 Russian agroholdings operate over 6.08 million hectares of farmland in total, a 5.7%-increase as compared to the previous year. The current largest landowner Miratorg has expanded its farmland area 47,000 hectares to 1.047 million hectares in the reporting period.

# Name Ultimate beneficial owner Registered office Farmland in 2019, '000 ha Farmland in 2018, '000 ha
1 Miratorg Viktor Linnik, Aleksandr Linnik Moscow, Russia 1047 1000
Main activity: crop production; beef, poultry and pork production; production of ready meals; meat processing
2 Prodimex + Agrokultura Igor Khudokormov Moscow region, Russia 865 865
Main activity: sugar production; grain legumes and oilseeds production
3 Agrocomplex Aleksandr Tkachev Krasnodar region, Russia 653 649
Main activity: crop production; poultry, beef and pork production; production of ready meals; meat processing
4 Rusagro Vadim Moshkovich Nicosia, Cyprus 643 650
Main activity: crop, sugar, meat, dairy, oil and fats production
5 EkoNiva-APK Stefan Duerr Voronezh region, Russia 599 504
Main activity: crop, dairy and meat production; cattle breeding
6 Steppe + RZ Agro Vladimir Evtushenkov, Louis-Dreyfus Family Rostov region, Russia 542 401
Main activity: crop and dairy production; horticulture
7 BIO-TON Vladimir Kirillov Samara region, Russia 452 403
Main activity: grain, legumes, and oilseeds production
8 Volgo-Don Agroinvest Sergei Kukura, Aleksei Kukura Moscow, Russia 451 452
Main activity: crop production; livestock production
9 Avangard-Agro Kirill Minovalov Moscow, Russia 450 450
Main activity: crop, dairy and livestock production
10 Vasilina Viktor Dimitriev Samara region, Russia 380 380
Main activity: crop production; flour production