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Top 10 Russian agroholdings by revenue 2020

29 March 2021

Online resource Vestnik APK has prepared a ranking of Russia’s largest agri-food companies based on their revenues in 2019. The list includes 50 companies in total, and half of them are agroholdings. Top 10 agroholdings from the ranking generated $11.35 billion in revenues in 2019. Rusagro became Russia's largest agroholding by revenue in 2019 with a result of $1.8 billion.

#NameFarmland area, '000 haRevenue, $ mln
Main activity: crop, sugar, meat, dairy, oil and fats production.
Main activity: pork and poultry production; meat processing
Main activity: crop production; beef, poultry and pork production; production of ready meals; meat processing
Main activity: pork and raw milk production; production of compound feedstuffs
Main activity: crop, sugar, raw milk production
6Velikoluksky Agroholding-817.6
Main activity: pork production, production of compounf feedstuffs
Main activity: crop, poultry and oil production 
8Yug Rusi200791.6
Main activity: crop production, sunflower oil production
Main activity: crop, pork, dairy, and feedstuff production
Main activity: crop production; poultry beef and pork production; production of ready meals; meat processing
Main activity: pork, poultry, beef, egg, crop, raw milk production