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Top 10 Ukraine’s Largest Agricultural Landholders 2018

28 May 2018 - Top 10 Ukrainian agroholdings altogether operate about 2.856 Mio ha of land and employ over 100 thousand people. Their total revenue exceeds $ 4.2 billion. We provide more information about these companies based on the data of,, as well as the companies’ corporate reports.

NameUltimate beneficial ownerRegistered officeLand area,  thousand haRevenue in FY  2017, $ million   Net profit (loss) in FY 2017, $ million  Number of employees
1KernelAndriy VerevskyiLuxembourg City (Luxembourg)570,500       2,169.000176.000 16.103
Main activity: production and export of sunflower oil, production and export of grain
2UkrLandFarmingOleg BakhmatyukNicosia (Cyprus)570,000658.000 100.020 (FY 2016)22.007
Main activity: crops and seeds production, dairy farming, egg production and processing, sugar production, livestock farming, storage services, and beef and leather production
3Agroprosperis (New Century Holding)George Rohr, Maurice TabasinikNew York (NY, USA)430,000411.000127.0007.000
Main activity: production and export of cereals (wheat, corn) and oilseeds (sunflower, rape, soybean)
4MHP (Myronivsky Hliboprodukt)Yuriy KosiukNicosia (Cyprus)370,0001,287.800202.90040.000
Main activity: production and processing of poultry meat, grain and fodder production, as well as biogas production
5AstartaViktor IvanchykAmsterdam (Netherlands)250,000537.39772.589 13.000
Main activity: production of sugar and related products, cereals and oilseeds, milk and meat, as well as biogas
6MriyaIvan Guta, Klaudia GutaNicosia (Cyprus)165,00067.888 (FY 2016)-252.509 (FY 2016)2.000
Main activity: production of  wheat, rapeseed, corn, sugar beets, potatoes, buckwheat, barley, peas and soy,  offers storage, processing, and seed treatment services
7IMCAlexander PetrovLuxembourg City (Luxembourg)137,000126.761 17.790 2.412
Main activity: crop production (maize, wheat, sunflower, soy, potatoes), dairy cattle breeding, crop storage and processing
8AgrotonIurii ZhuravlovNicosia (Cyprus)122,00051.785 8.3222.021
Main activity: cultivation, processing, storage and sale of sunflower and wheat, as well as livestock and food production
9Ukrprominvest-AgroPetro PoroshenkoKyiv (Ukraine)122,000185.300 (FY 2015) not reported4.600
Main activity: crop production (sugar beet, wheat, soybean, corn, sunflower), as well as livestock and flour production
10AgroGenerationCharles BeigbederParis (France)120,00054.19513.1771.487
Main activity: crop production (winter wheat, rapeseed, brewing barley, corn, soybean, sunflower, peas)