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(2009) Agroholdings and clusters in Kazakhstan's agro-food sector. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 126 (Halle (Saale): IAMO)
; (2009) Capital market imperfections in economic transition: empirical evidence from Ukrainian agriculture. Agricultural Economics (Vol. 40 (6)): 677-689.
(2008) Agroholdings in Ukraine: Good or Bad? German-Ukrainian Policy Dialogue in Agriculture Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting; Policy Paper Series [AgPP No 21]
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(2007) Agro-holdings: vertical integration in agri-food supply chains in Russia. Global supply chains, standards and the poor: how the globalization of food systems and standards affects rural development and poverty, edited by J.F. Swinnen, CABI
; ; (2006) Land fragmentation and its driving forces in China. Land Use Policy (Vol. 23 (3)): 272-285.
; ; (2005) Agroholdings in Russia: breaking the vicious circle? Paper presented at the 94th EAAE seminar “From Households to Firms with Independent Legal Status: The Spectre of Institutional Units in the Development of European Agriculture”, April 9–10, 2005, Ashford, UK
(2005) A revival of large farms in Eastern Europe? How important are institutions? Agricultural Economics Journal (32 (1)): 103–113.