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; ; (2018) Agricultural productivity growth in Brazil: Large and small farms excel. Food Policy (In Press): .
; (2017) Agency costs and organizational architecture of large corporate farms: evidence from Brazil. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (20/2): 201–220.
(2017) Strategic role of corporate transparency: the case of Ukrainian agroholdings. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (20/2): 257-277.
; ; ; (2017) The Eurasian Wheat Belt and Food Security. Global and Regional Aspects. Springer, Cham.: .
; ; ; ; (2017) The Emergence and Proliferation of Agroholdings and Mega Farms in a Global Context. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (20/2): 175-185.
(2017) Large scale agriculture - potential for cross-country comparisons. : .
(2017) What is an agroholding? : .
(2017) Large scale agriculture gains in importance globally. : .
; (2017) Grabbing or investment? On judging large-scale land acquisitions. Agriculture and Human Values (Vol. 31 (Issue 1)): 41–51.
(2017) Business groups in agriculture. Impact of ownership structures on performance: The case of Russia’s agroholdings. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Transition Economies (85): ., IAMO