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; (2011) Land grabbing in post-Soviet Eurasia: the world’s largest agricultural land reserves at stake. Journal of Peasant Studies (Vol. 38): 299-323.
; (2010) Embedded institutions and the persistence of large farms in Russia. IAMO Discussion Papers 131, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO).: .
(2010) The emergence of large scale agricultural production in Ukraine: Lessons and perspectives. Washington DC: Paper presented at the Annual Bank Conference on Land Policy and Administration, April 26 and 27, 2010: .
(2010) The agrarian vision: sustainability and environmental ethics. : ., Kentucky University Press
(2010) Globalisation and the foreignisation of space: The seven processes driving the current global land grab. Journal of Peasant Studies (Vol. 37 (Issue 2)): 429–447.
; (2009) Agroholding membership: does it make a difference in performance? Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture (48): 25-46.
(2009) Household plots and the symbiosis with the large farm enterprises. Land, peasants and rural poverty in transition. The political economy of rural livelihoods in transition economies (Edited by: Spoor, M. London, New York: Routledge): .