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; ; ; (2021) Broadening the scope of instrumental motivations for CSR disclosure: an illustration for agroholdings in transition economies. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 717 - 737.
; ; (2021) Editorial. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 581 - 592.
; ; (2021) Agroholdings and land rental markets: A spatial competition perspective. European Review of Agricultural Economics 48 (1): 158–206.
; ; (2021) Institutions and individual values motivating corporate social responsibility activities in large farms and agroholdings. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 669 - 696.
; ; ; (2021) Determinants of corporate social responsibility among farms in Russia and Kazakhstan: a multilevel approach using survey data. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 697 - 716.
; ; ; (2021) Propensity for premature filing for judicial financial recovery in large-scale agriculture in Brazil. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 637 - 648.
; ; ; (2021) What drives the acquisition behavior of agroholdings? Performance analysis of agricultural acquisition targets in Northwest Russia and Ukraine. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 593–613.
; ; (2021) Post-acquisition integration and growth of farms: the case of Ukrainian agroholdings. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 615 - 636.
; ; ; ; (2021) Corporate governance and firm performance within the Russian agri-food sector: does ownership structure matter? International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 649 - 668.
; (2020) Prospects of agrarian populism and food sovereignty movement in post‐socialist Romania. Sociologia Ruralis 60 (4): 880-904.